eConnections - October 25, 2024
The Season Pentecost
October 25th, 2024
Notes & News from the Cathedral of Saint James, South Bend
Father Mark's Musings
“Peace that passes all understanding…”
One difference I find between doing ministry here and having done ministry elsewhere is the trust that total strangers who do not know me at all place in me pretty quickly when they enter our doors.
Where I ministered before coming here, in New York City, the church doors were open (with security cameras and someone to watch the space for possible vandalism or theft). People just came into the church between Noon and 6 pm to pray. Here, the Cathedral doors are not open outside of worship times, so when someone wants to enter the church, they let us know by ringing the bell to the offices, and we discern if it is a good idea to let them pray silently in the church. In this discernment, a story is always involved.
Last week, a young woman in her 20s asked to silently pray in the Cathedral. She is not a parishioner or otherwise associated with us but appears to be struggling with something in her life. We kept an eye on her while she sat silently in prayer for about 20 minutes, and when she was about to leave, she asked me if she could have oils to bless away the demons in her house. I explored with her what she meant by demons, assessed that she was not a harm to herself or anyone else at the time, blessed and gave her some holy water to take home. She seemed comforted by this simple act on my part. I invited her to come back on a Sunday, and I hope she takes me up on the offer.
When Jesus tells us in Matthew 25:40, "Whatsoever you do to the least of my brothers or sisters, that you do unto me," I think of this woman who came to our doors last Friday afternoon. As clergy, staff, and parishioners, we take Matthew 25 seriously. I have witnessed it on Sunday mornings and throughout the week. This is one of several encounters where someone comes to pray, visit a loved one in the columbarium, or see the unique light our stained glass windows produce. Some describe these experiences in places like St. James as “thin places” where heaven and earth almost touch one another. It is believed that the Irish or the Scotts first coined this term, so it is appropriate for a town that hosts the "Fighting Irish."
I have certainly had encounters like this in New York City, and I am trying to figure out the difference between those encounters and this one. I do not think it is a larger city vs. a smaller city. Instead, I think it comes down to doubt vs. trust and a non-anxious presence in our worship space. What a gift we are to one another and the community at large. There is something about this space and the people who fill it that makes those who are vulnerable in our city encounter that “...peace that passes all understanding…” (Philippians 4:7).
Annual Stewardship Campaign
Pledge cards are in the mail!
You may also submit your pledge online using the following link.
Thank you! Your prayerful support makes a meaningful difference in our community and helps us fulfill our mission.
Pledge ingathering: Sunday, November 24
We're Back on Track!
Our soil samples have been returned, and we have the “all clear” to proceed. The construction crew is busy pouring concrete and building the elevator shaft! You may follow us online at this link to see the latest photos and more. You do NOT have to be a Facebook user to access this page!
Last night's Dining Out Group
@ Pejza’s Lydick Patio
Good Food & Great Company
The Investiture of Presiding
Bishop-elect Sean Rowe
Churchwide virtual celebration on Saturday, November 2nd
The churchwide virtual celebration of Bishop Sean Rowe's new ministry and investiture as Presiding Bishop and Primate of The Episcopal Church will occur on Saturday, November 2nd. The event will begin with a "roll call" of dioceses at 9:30 a.m. ET and a live-streamed Service of Holy Eucharist at 11:00 a.m. ET.
The scaled-down service, intended to increase churchwide virtual engagement and reduce the event's carbon footprint, will be live-streamed on the event webpage
Watch party for the Investiture of the new Presiding Bishop Sean Rowe, with our Bishop Doug Sparks: The Cathedral and parishes in the Central Deanery have been invited to attend a live watch party at St. Michaels and All Angels, 53720 Ironwood Road, South Bend, Indiana.
If you would like more information, please contact Fr. Mark.
Register for a Zoom link to Pre-Election Night Virtual Prayers with Bishop Jennifer and Bishop Doug by clicking here.
This Week at the Cathedral
Sunday, October 27
The Twenty-third Sunday after Pentecost
Year B, Proper 25, Track 2
8:00 am Holy Eucharist: Rite One
9:15 am Growing in Our Worship
9:15 am Storymakers
9:15 am Adult Forum
10:30 am Holy Eucharist: Rite Two
11:45 am Hospitality
Noon Youth Group
Monday, October 28
Cathedral Offices: Closed
6:30 pm Education for Ministry (EfM)
Tuesday, October 29
Cathedral Offices: 9:oo am - 1:30 pm
No Events Scheduled
Wednesday, October 30
Cathedral Offices: 9:00 am - 1:30 pm
7:00 pm Choir Rehearsal
Thursday, October 31
Cathedral Offices: 9:00 am - 1:30 pm
No events scheduled
Friday, November 1
All Saints Day
12:05 pm Holy Eucharist
12:45 pm Community Lunch
Saturday, November 2
Cathedral Office Closed
All Souls/All the Faithful Departed Day
Sunday, November 3
The Twenty-fourth Sunday after Pentecost
All Saints Sunday
Daylight Saving Time Ends
Year B, Proper 27, Track 2
8:00 am Holy Eucharist: Rite One
9:15 am Through the Years: Icon Painting
10:30 am Holy Eucharist: Rite Two
11:45 am Hospitality Time
12:00 pm Youth Group
Sunday Ministries
October 27, 2024
8:00 am
Lector Jane Hunter
Eucharistic Minister Nan Noecker
9:15 am
Growing In Our Worship Jodi Kallenberg & Kim Gray
Story Makers Aubree Schenkel
Adult Forum Bunmi Okanlami
10:30 am
Lectors Dominic Vitale-Richards & Tom Burman
Acolyte Kirk Philippsen
Eucharistic Ministers Betsy VanderBurg & Cynthia Katsarelis
Ushers Erica Vitale & Keith LaPierre
Hospitality Host Daughters of the King (DOK)
Sacristy Linens Volunteer Needed
Youth Group Amanda & Andy Helfrich, Fr. Mark Hummell
October 22
Counters Liz Burman & Donna Woods
October 25
Folder Shela Raman-McCabe
Cathedral Community Prayer List
For the repose of the soul of Richard Gotfried, father of Katie Gotfried.
For the repose of the soul of Donna Malone and Rob, her husband; Cory and Robin Earley (son and daughter-in-law); and for grandsons Aiden and Landon.
For the repose of the soul of Debbie Baylok and her mother, Dottie Baylok
For the repose of the soul of Chuck Rubow, father of Rhonda Culbertson, and his entire family.
Bill Jones and his family
For Michael Anand-Obleton
Randy Coleman, Sharon Toth, and for the entire extended Sobecki Family
Kathleen Murphy, mother of Jen Mosley and for Richard Murphy Jr., Richard Murphy III, and Jill Bird
For Tim Lane (son-in-law of Karen Slack), who is recovering from surgery
Mary M. Burman
Carolynn Raney
For Carl and Melinda Stopczynski and Alison Abbot-- cousins/extended family of Mike & Lisa Jaworski
For Betty Walker, Mike Mosely’s Aunt
For Joan Machatton
Jennifer & Mike Mosley
Jim Arns
For Cindy Ahlgrim
For Bob Kenney
For Joni Carlson, who continues treatment of an ongoing issue
For Mike Jaworski and Lisa.
For Don Zigler.
For Michael, son of Diane Hoist, and his family.
For Joseph Hilliard
For Mary Beth Wright
For Tim Haywood and Janice
Fred & Kate Mast
Wade & Sue Sheets
Paula Fowler
Canon Tina Velthuizen's grand-nephew, Jordan, who is struggling
Connor Gibbons
Olivia, who has leukemia, and her family
Sheila & family
John Monroe, brother of Sue Fain
Tammy, daughter of Tony Molnar
Alan Thompson
Peju, Bunmi, and the Okanlami family
Tony Molnar
Dan & Gail Mandell
Ron Gunn
Alissa Broussara
Cherryl Andries
Becky Ballentine
Marge Johnson
Jo Dorsch
Sharron McGowan
Joyce Marchant
Fr. Paul Tracy
Richard Bitner
Al Caparell; Tony Lemna; Mike; Denise & Demetrius
For those awaiting the birth or adoption of a child: Megan & Philip Drendall.
For those preparing for Holy Baptism: Finnegan Patty Hillak (Jan 12, 2025)
For those preparing for Holy Orders: Nan Noecker, diaconate
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