eConnections - January 5, 2025
The Weekend of the Second Sunday after Christmas Day
January 5, 2025
The Dean's List
Happy New Year!
Somehow it's 2025. Seems like just yesterday we were all breathing a sigh of relief that Y2K amounted to nothing thanks to the unheralded labors of software engineers over the previous decade. The first day of every new year is the Feast of the Holy Name of Our Lord Jesus Christ - or just Holy Name for short - marking the eighth day of Jesus' young life when he received his name and through the rite of circumcision was marked with the outward sign of God's enduring covenant with Abraham. It was - and still is in Jewish tradition - a joyful day of celebration. That the Feast of the Holy Name falls on the first day of the new year is not accidental. It's spiritual meaning is pretty obvious: On the first day we honor the name of Jesus and remember the new Covenant God has made with us with, in, and through Christ. It is a day for us to claim our faith and the hope that it gives as we step into an unknown (and often uncertain) future. Whatever comes next, God is with us and, in the Name of Jesus Christ our Lord, we are with God. As my friend Fran McKendree wrote, "I'll take my chances with the one who brings to me the rising sun; who stirs the wind and shakes the trees and shouts the Truth in times like these. It brings me to my knees..."
Adult Forum:
Reflection on Reunification.
Tomorrow morning (January 5) Canon Clay Berkley and Fr. Mark Hummell will lead an Adult Forum using the guide for Reflection on Reunification published by the Diocese of Northern Indiana and the Diocese of Indianapolis. Click here to visit the reunification website where you may preview the materials. The reunification conversation, which has been ongoing for over two years, seeks to discern the missional, pastoral, and practical wisdom, feasibility, and impact of returning to a single diocese in the State of Indiana (as we were until 1899); continuing as two separate dioceses; or exploring mutually beneficial cooperative ministry partnerships. The current task is to bring this conversation "to the pews," as it were, to hear the hopes, concerns, and ideas of the full Hoosier Body of Christ in our tradition.
All adults and teenagers are encouraged to attend. 9:15 am in the Conference Room.
Floor Pour.
Concrete floors were poured at each level of our new addition this past Thursday. A large propane heater is pumping warm air into the space to facilitate drying and curing over the weekend. Workers will next enclose the entire exterior in a heated visqueen tent so that brick layers can complete their work.
Pastoral Notes.
Donnie Zigler is now living large at Trailpoint Village on South Ironwood Drive.
Elaine Mick will soon come home following a rehabilitation stint at Hubbard Hill in Elkhart.
A family in the parish is in need of child care and transport for the next month or so. If you are able to help, please text, email, or have a conversation with me.
Steven Wietstock is on the mend and is planning to be back on the organ bench this coming Sunday.
Thank you.
A word of wonder, praise, and gratitude to:
The Cathedral Choir for stepping in and stepping up last Sunday;
to Steven Mast for his impromptu performance on piano at Lessons & Carols;
to Julie Martindale for recognizing a need and shining a light in the darkness that enveloped Steven's sheet music when a lamp ceased to function;
and to the Cathedral congregation for good cheer, adaptability, and Christmas spirit.
Sportsball Contest
Thursday, January 9
(Go Lions!)
Sunday, January 5
The Second Sunday after Christmas Day
on the Twelfth Day of Christmas
8:00 am Holy Eucharist: Rite One
9:15 am Christian Formation
- Growing in Our Worship
- Story Makers
- Adult Forum
10:30 am Holy Eucharist: Rite Two
11:45 am Hospitality
4:00 pm Twelfth Night Open House
Grantz Residence, through 6:30 pm
Monday, January 6
The Epiphany of Our Lord Jesus Christ
Cathedral Office: Closed
6:00 pm Epiphany Eucharist
St. Michael & All Angels Church
6:30 pm Education for Minsitry
Tuesday, January 7
Cathedral Office: 9 am - 1:30 pm
7:00 pm Gather & Grow Committee & Sub-Committees
Zoom Meeting
Wednesday, January 8
Cathedral Office: 9:00 am - 1:30 pm
11:00 am Kitchen & Cathedral Hall Committee
Thursday, January 9
Cathedral Office: 9:00 am - 1:30 pm
7:30 pm Big Sportsball Contest on ESPN
The Dean will be unavailable, probably moping
Friday, January 10
Cathedral Office: 9:00 am - 1:30 pm
12:05 pm Holy Eucharist
1:00 pm Community Lunch at Grill 362
Saturday, January 11
No Events Scheduled
Sunday, January 12
The First Sunday after the Epiphany:
The Baptism of Our Lord Jesus Christ
The Bishop's Visitation
8:00 am Holy Eucharist: Rite One
with Renewal of Baptismal Vows
9:15 am Christian Formation
- Growing in Our Worship
- Story Makers
- Adult Forum
10:30 am Holy Baptism & Holy Eucharist: Rite Two
Finnegan Patty Hillak
11:45 am Hospitality
Looking Ahead
The Bishop's Visitation
Sunday, January 12, 2025
8:00 am Holy Eucharist with Renewal of Baptismal Vows
9:15 am Adult Forum with Bishop Sparks
10:30 am Holy Baptism, Reaffirmation of Baptismal Vows, and Holy Eucharist
The Rev. Dr. Thomas Gresik to the Sacred Order of Priests
Saturday, January 18 at 10:00 am; Reception Following
Annual Parish Meeting
Sunday, January 19, 2025
12:00 pm Luncheon followed by Business Meeting & Presentations from the Gather & Grow subcommittees on considering Worship Space, Cathedral Hall, and Landscaping.
Dining Out Group
Thursday, January 23, 2025
6:00 pm Cosimo & Susie's
The First Annual Quiz Bowl Challenge*
Saturday, February 8, 2025
*We're still working on this. Details coming soon.
Collect for the Second Sunday after Christmas Day
(January 5)
O God, who wonderfully created, and yet more wonderfully restored, the dignity of human nature: Grant that we may share the divine life of him who humbled himself to share our humanity, your Son Jesus Christ; who lives and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.
The Epiphany of Our Lord Jesus Christ
(January 6)
O God, by the leading of a star you manifested your only Son to the peoples of the earth: Lead us, who know you now by faith, to your presence, where we may see your glory face to face; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen.
Prayer in Times of Violence
adapted from the United Church of Canada
Creator God, be with us in these times of trouble:
We are surrounded by images of violence from New Orleans, Las Vegas, Ukraine, Gaza, Lebanon, Sudan, Venezuela, and so many other places near and far;
we are called to wrestle with how to respond to the death, devastation, fear, and hatred around us with compassionate and prophetic love;
we grieve for a cycle of violence that seems never-ending, and for a world that values some lives more than others;
we grieve for the dead and accompany in prayer and love all those who mourn the loss of life and security;
we confess that we who profess to follow Jesus have failed to break down systems that oppress and marginalize others;
we lift up the voices of all who experience oppression, discrimination, and hatred.
we listen carefully to hear the changes we need to make in our own lives and institutions;
we give thanks for and offer support to the peacemakers and bridge-builders and those who fight hatred and fear with love and understanding;
we give thanks for those faithful witnesses who speak truth to power and call for conversion to Jesus’ way of love;
and we heed our call to imagine continually what a world not filled with such violence and fear would look like and commit ourselves, in the Name of the Prince of Peace, to work for it.
Creator God, be with us in these times of trouble.
Cathedral Prayer List
For Greg, cousin of Alison Grantz, whose leukemia prognosis is now, sadly, terminal following two unsuccessful bone marrow transplants. Please pray for Alison's mother, Cheryl, and the Gotsch family.
For the repose of the soul of Steve Bowman; for his wife, Donna, and their family; and for his friends, Mike & Lisa.
For the repose of the soul of Arianne Baker and for her family
For the repose of the soul of Beverly Janssen, aunt of Steven Mast, and for her family.
For the repose of the soul of Gregory Marcks and for Michael Marcks and his entire family.
For Kate and her family.
For the Liberatore family.
Josh Young, Kerrin Young, and Violet Young
For Elaine Mick
For Janet Subbert, Aunt of Nan Noecker
For the Proffitt Family and for the Hillman Family
Ann and Bill Young
Shavonya Wade
Corey Davis and Kenya Pearson
Steven Mast
Mary Brooks
For Steve Wietstock
Jamie, Mimi, Joely, Mia, and the entire Jeter Family
Bill Jones and his family
For Mary Beth Wright
Randy Coleman
Sharon Toth, and for the entire extended Sobecki Family
Kathleen Murphy, mother of Jen Mosley; and for Richard Murphy Jr., Richard Murphy III, and for Jill Bird
For Tim Lane (son-in-law of Karen Slack) who is recovering from surgery
Mary M. Burman
Carolynn Raney
For Carl and Melinda Stopczynski; and for Alison Abbot -- cousins/extended family of Mike & Lisa Jaworski
For Betty Walker, Mike Mosely’s Aunt
For Joan Machatton
Jennifer & Mike Mosley
Jim Arns
For Cindy Ahlgrim
For Joni Carlson, who continues treatment of an ongoing issue
For Mike Jaworski and for Lisa.
For Michael, son of Diane Hoist, and his family.
For Joseph Hilliard
For Tim Haywood, and Janice
Fred & Kate Mast
Wade & Sue Sheets
Paula Fowler
Canon Tina Velthuizen's grand-nephew, Jordan, who is struggling
Connor Gibbons
Olivia, who has leukemia, and her family
Sheila & family
Tammy, daughter of Tony Molnar
Alan Thompson
Peju, Bunmi, and the Okanlami family
Tony Molnar
Dan & Gail Mandell
Ron Gunn
Alissa Broussara
Cherryl Andries
Becky Ballentine
Marge Johnson
Jo Dorsch
Sharron McGowan
Joyce Marchant
Fr. Paul Tracy
Richard Bitner
Al Caparell; Tony Lemna; Mike; Denise & Demetrius
For those preparing for Holy Baptism: Finnegan Patty Hillak (Jan 12, 2025)
For those preparing for Holy Orders: Nan Noecker, diaconate
How may we pray for you? To add (or remove) a petition from the Cathedral Prayer List, please send an email to Deacon Clay Berkley. If you are requesting prayer for someone else, please make sure you have their permission to add their name and any details to the prayer list.
Sunday Ministries
January 5, 2024
8:00 am
Lector Kate Leer
Eucharistic Minister Nan Noecker
10:30 am
Lectors Sherry Berkley & Norris Whitfield
Acolytes Scottie Peters, Zeke Kallenberg, Freddy Kallenberg
Eucharistic Ministers Ed Randles & Helene Dauerty Randles
Ushers Keith LaPierre & Erica Vitale
Hospitality Host Rhonda Culbertson
January 7
Counters Rick Hilliard & Nan Noecker
January 10
Folder Shela Raman-McCabe
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