eConnections - February 2, 2025
The Weekend of the Feast of the Presentation
of our Lord Jesus Christ in the Temple
February 2, 2025
and also Groundhog Day
The Dean's List
The Feast of the Presentation
of our Lord Jesus Christ in the Temple.
The Feast of the Purification
of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
The Feast of the Holy Encounter.
Each of these titles applies to February 2, which is the 40th day after our celebration of the birth of Jesus. In terms of societal etiquette, it marks the official end of the Christmas season, the date by which all Christmas decor should be taken down and stored until next Christmas. Religiously speaking, babies were presented or taken to worship on (or shortly after) the 40th day, making their public debut and receiving God's blessing and women were purified following childbirth and could resume their normal roles at home and in their community. This latter sense was carried forward in Christianity as late - for Episcopalians - as the 1928 Prayer Book with a rite called "The Thanksgiving of Women after Child-birth, Commonly called The Churching of Women" which acknowledged the dangers of childbirth to both mother and child and gave thanks for the lives of both.
The names Candlemas and The Feast of the Holy Encounter derive from the Biblical account in Luke's Gospel in which Mary, Joseph, and 40-day-old Jesus encounter two people - Simeon and Anna - in the Temple. Both recognize Jesus' divinity and offer spontaneous prayer and praise, including Simeon's thanksgiving for the light that has been sent to the world, hence Candlemas.
When the Feast of the Presentation falls on a Sunday - as it does this year - it takes precedence over our normal Sunday observance. To mark the occasion, we will begin each service with a Candlemas procession beginning at the back of the church.
And... because I grew up in western Pennsylvania, not so far from Punxsutawney (where my late Aunt Jeannie and her family lived), I am also keenly aware that February 2nd is Groundhog Day. To celebrate this confluence of events, I prompted Google Gemini to generate this AI image to mark the occasion. Phil will see his shadow for sure.
Adult Forum
Sundays at 9:15 am in the Cathedral Conference Room
February 2nd
Challenging the Systems of Our Beliefs
Our administrator, Canon Joe Anand-Obleton, will present a series titled "Challenging the Systems of Our Beliefs," with one section this month and the next. In this series, he will present information that will have us contemplating the roots of our beliefs (why we believe what we believe). He will also lead discussions on this topic to encourage us to spread this knowledge and promote just peace.
February 9th
Dialogue Across Differences
Megan Zwart, Interim Provost at Saint Mary's College, will discuss effective strategies for engaging in meaningful dialogue across differences. As the founding director of the Dialogue Project, Zwart draws from her research to address the challenges posed by political polarization, highlighting several crises that threaten democratic discourse.
Paint the Saints for Lent Madness
Sunday, February 16 at 9:15 am
Lent Madness is a unique, March-Madness-inspired Lenten devotional brought to us by the Forward Movement. Are you a fan of modern saints like Absalom Jones? Are you more of a fan of mystics and Theologians like Mechthilde of Hackeborn and Gertrude the Great? Don't know the difference between Rose of Lima and Hugh of Lincoln? Want to learn more about these (and many more!) Saints? Lent Madness is for you! We begin by painting peg dolls of the saints at this special Through the Years.
Dr. Cynthia Katsarelis (center stage) conducted the Sacred Music Chamber Orchestra the past Wednesday at the Sacred Music at Notre Dame Showcase Concert.
Stephen Drendall (center, back) singing with the Concordia Vocal Ensemble at the Sacred Music at Notre Dame Showcase Concert.
Exterior brick and stone work on our addition were nearing completion at the beginning of the week...
...and by the end of the week, it was almost done and most of the scaffolding was gone. All that remained was placing the limestone on top on the side we can't see from the street.
Framing was completed and the opening cut through from the addition on the second floor. By Friday, all of the drywall in the addition had been hung.
While we're at it... the ceiling in Cathedral Hall was removed on Friday, exposing two old layers of ceiling and the floor joists above. The ceiling and lighting project had a bit of a hiccup, so we're working on some creative solutions.
Saturday, February 8
6:30 - 9:00 pm
A fun and friendly Trivia Night is coming to the Cathedral of Saint James on Saturday, February 8! Assemble your team of up to eight humans or join a pick-up team when you get here. Cathedral Hall will still be closed, so bring sanctuary-friendly snacks to share around your table. The winning team will receive not-quite-valuable prizes!
Admission is free, but a goodwill offering benefitting Habitat for Humanity will be collected.
Doors open at 6:30 pm, Round One begins at 7 pm and we’ll finish up by 9 pm.
Ages Youth Group through Old Coot are welcome!
Sign up here or at the information table in the back of the Church.
Interested in joining a 20s & 30s Trivia Team? Click Here!
The Week of Prayer for Christian Unity
Saturday, February 1
Brigid of Kildare
No Events Scheduled
Sunday, February 2
The Feast of the Presentation
of Our Lord Jesus Christ in the Temple
8:00 am
Holy Eucharist: Rite One
9:15 am
Christian Formation
- Growing in Our Worship
- Story Makers
- Adult Forum
10:30 am
Holy Eucharist: Rite Two
12:00 pm
Youth Group
12:30 pm
Ecumenical Bible Study
Monday, February 3
Cathedral Office: Closed
6:00 pm
Education for Ministry
Tuesday, February 4
Manche Masemola
Fr. Brian Out of the Office
Cathedral Office: 9 am - 1:30 pm
No Events Scheduled
Wednesday, February 5
Agatha of Sicily
Cathedral Office: 9:00 am - 1:30 pm
9:30 am
Assistance Ministry
7:00 pm
Choir Rehearsal
Thursday, February 6
Cathedral Office: 9:00 am - 1:30 pm
No Events Scheduled
Friday, February 7
Cathedral Office: 9:00 am - 1:30 pm
12:05 pm
Holy Eucharist
1:00 pm
Community Lunch at Grill 362
Saturday, February 8
6:30 pm
Trivia Night
Sunday, February 9
The Fifth Sunday after the Epiphany
8:00 am
Holy Eucharist: Rite One
9:15 am
Christian Formation
- Growing in Our Worship
- Story Makers
- Adult Forum
10:30 am
Holy Eucharist: Rite Two
12:00 pm
Youth Group
Looking Ahead
St. Margaret's House Annual Winter Walk
Sunday, February 16. 2025
Ash Wednesday
Wednesday, March 5, 2025
Story & Song Parish Retreat
Friday, March 21 & Saturday, March 22
Collect for the Presentation of
Our Lord Jesus Christ in the Temple:
(February 2)
Almighty and everliving God, we humbly pray that, as your only-begotten Son was this day presented in the temple, so we may be presented to you with pure and clean hearts by Jesus Christ our Lord; who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever.. Amen.
Birthdays & Anniversaries
Feb 4 Nicholas Papczynski
Feb 8 Andy Helfrich
Cathedral Prayer List
For Jonie Holden
For James Ellar, high school classmate of Mike Jaworski, who has a recurrence of cancer.
For the repose of the soul of Loren Van Oort.
For the repose of the soul of Shantia Bullock, niece of Trice Berkley, and for her entire family.
For the repose of the soul of Martin Gardner, and for his family and friends.
For Greg, cousin of Alison Grantz, whose leukemia prognosis is now, sadly, terminal following two unsuccessful bone marrow transplants. Please pray for Alison's mother, Cheryl, and the Gotsch family.
For the repose of the soul of Steve Bowman; for his wife, Donna, and their family; and for his friends, Mike & Lisa.
For the repose of the soul of Arianne Baker and for her family
For Rose Tinder-O’Brien
Josh Young, Kerrin Young, and Violet Young
For Tim Lane and Dan (sons-in-law of Karen Slack) who are recovering from surgery
For Elaine Mick
For the Proffitt Family and for the Hillman Family
Ann and Bill Young
Corey Davis and Kenya Pearson
Steven Mast
Mary Brooks
For Steve Wietstock
Jamie, Mimi, Joely, Mia, and the entire Jeter Family
Bill Jones and his family
For Mary Beth Wright
Sharon Toth, and for the entire extended Sobecki Family
Kathleen Murphy, mother of Jen Mosley; and for Richard Murphy Jr., Richard Murphy III, and for Jill Bird
Mary M. Burman
Carolynn Raney
For Carl and Melinda Stopczynski; and for Alison Abbot -- cousins/extended family of Mike & Lisa Jaworski
For Betty Walker, Mike Mosely’s Aunt
For Joan Machatton
Jennifer & Mike Mosley
Jim Arns
For Cindy Ahlgrim
For Joni Carlson, who continues treatment of an ongoing issue
For Mike Jaworski and for Lisa.
For Michael, son of Diane Hoist, and his family.
For Joseph Hilliard
For Tim Haywood, and Janice
Fred & Kate Mast
Wade & Sue Sheets
Paula Fowler
Canon Tina Velthuizen's grand-nephew, Jordan, who is struggling
Connor Gibbons
Olivia, who has leukemia, and her family
Sheila & family
Tammy, daughter of Tony Molnar
Alan Thompson
Peju, Bunmi, and the Okanlami family
Tony Molnar
Dan & Gail Mandell
Ron Gunn
Alissa Broussara
Cherryl Andries
Becky Ballentine
Marge Johnson
Jo Dorsch
Sharron McGowan
Joyce Marchant
Fr. Paul Tracy
Richard Bitner
Al Caparell; Tony Lemna; Mike; Denise & Demetrius
For those expecting children: Connor Wilson and Genesis Dylewski
For those preparing for Holy Baptism: Sloane Drendall, daughter of Megan & Phil Drendall; Greyson Woodruff, son of Lesley & Ryan Woodruff.
For those preparing for Holy Orders: Nan Noecker, diaconate
How may we pray for you? To add (or remove) a petition from the Cathedral Prayer List, please send an email to Deacon Clay Berkley. If you are requesting prayer for someone else, please make sure you have their permission to add their name and any details to the prayer list.
February 2, 2025
8:00 am
Lector Chris Jeter
Eucharistic Minister Nan Noecker
10:30 am
Lectors Steven Mast & Dominic Vitale Richards
Acolytes Zeke Kallenberg, Jack Laney, Cynthia Katsarelis
Eucharistic Ministers Steven Mast & Bunmi Okanlami
Ushers Keith LaPierre & Erica Vitale
Hospitality Host Tina Velthuizen
February 4
Counters Rick Hilliard & Nan Noecker
February 7
Folder Peg Swadener
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