2025 Lent and Easter Prayer & Worship Schedule
(Only our 10 and 10:30 services on Sundays will be live-streamed at Cathedral of Saint James on Facebook and St. James Cathedral on YouTube.)
Lent Madness
Ash Wednesday (March 5):
Holy Eucharist with Imposition of Ashes 7:00 am & 7:00 pm
SundayS (March 9 - April 13):
Holy Eucharist at 8:00 (Spoken Holy Eucharist, Rite I) am & 10:30 am (Rite II)
9:15 a.m. Faith Formation
Growing in our Worship: (Age 3 - Grade 2) | Meets on the Main Floor of The Cathedral House from 9:15 - 10:15 am on Sundays
Storymakers (Grades 3 - 6) | Meets on the Main Floor of The Cathedral House from 9:15 - 10:15 am on Sundays
Youth Group (Grades 7 - 12) | Meets in the Youth Group Room from 12 - 1 pm on Sundays
Adult Forum | Meets in the Conference Room from 9:15 - 10:15 am on Sundays
MondayS (March 10 - April 14):
Evening Prayer at 5:00 pm
TuesdayS (March 11 - April 15):
Morning Prayer at 8:00 am
WednesdayS (March 12 - April 16):
Evening Prayer at 5:00 pm
ThursdayS (March 6 - April 17, 8:00 am):
Morning Prayer at 8:00 am
FridayS (March 7 - April 11):
Holy Eucharist at 12:05 pm
SaturdayS (March 8 - April 12):
Morning Prayer at 9:00 am
Liturgy of the Palms & Holy Eucharist (April 13):
Holy Eucharist at 8:00 (Spoken Holy Eucharist, Rite I) am, 10:10 am Joint Liturgy of the Psalms with St. Patrick’s and St. Hedwig’s (meeting at the intersection of West Washington Street and South Taylor Street), & 10:30 am (Rite II)
9:15 a.m. Faith Formation
Growing in our Worship: (Age 3 - Grade 2) | Meets on the Main Floor of The Cathedral House from 9:15 - 10:15 am on Sundays
Storymakers (Grades 3 - 6) | Meets on the Main Floor of The Cathedral House from 9:15 - 10:15 am on Sundays
Youth Group (Grades 7 - 12) | Meets in the Youth Group Room from 12 - 1 pm on Sundays
Adult Forum | Meets in the Conference Room from 9:15 - 10:15 am on Sundays
Maundy Thursday (April 17):
Proper Liturgy for Maundy Thursday at 7:00 pm
Good Friday (April 18):
Proper Liturgy for Good Friday at 12:00 pm
Holy Saturday (APRIL 19):
Proper Liturgy for Holy Saturday at 9:00 am | The Great Vigil of Easter at 8:30 pm at St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, Mishawaka
Easter (April 20):
Festal Easter Eucharist at 10:00 am (only one Sunday service this day)
Lent 2025.
Lent begins on Ash Wednesday: March 5. Holy Eucharist with the Imposition of Ashes will be offered at 7 am (spoken, Rite One) and 7 pm (choral, Rite Tw0). Just a reminder that Ash Wednesday is appointed as a day of fasting, which I will say more about next week.
Lent is 40-day season in which the faithful are encouraged to disciplines of special acts of devotion and self-denial intended to draw us nearer in faith to God. We are once again offering several opportunities for personal and corporate observance of a holy Lent.
Let Us Pray: Call to Common Prayer. Continuing last year's practice, we are hoping to open the Cathedral for prayer every day during Lent. Volunteer officiants, readers, and musicians are needed lead the Daily Office. Click here to view the schedule and sign up. Click here for the readings and collects appointed for each service.
40 Days through Isaiah & Luke. A daily discipline of Scripture reading through the book of the prophet Isaiah and the Gospel according to Luke. Click here for the reading schedule.
A Lenten Century. Exercise is a great opportunity for contemplation and prayer. The Lenten Century is both an invitation and challenge to keep moving. 100 miles, 100 kilometers, or whatever number is right for you, let's get up and get going walking, running, cycling, swimming, or anything else. Click here for a Lenten Century log sheet.
Living Matthew 25. This community-wide effort offers dozens of opportunities from a host of sponsors from which to pick and choose. The Living Matthew 25 schedule is available here and is posted at several places at the Cathedral of Saint James.
Lent Madness. Learn saints whose faith has been an example and inspiration for generations of Christians in this wonderful, whimsical March-Madness style bracket featuring 32 notable faithful followers of Jesus as they vie for the "Golden Halo." Click here for the Lent Madness website.