Story and Song: A Retreat of Discovery

The Greatest Stories Ever Told
“After nourishment, shelter, and companionship, stories are the thing we need most in the world.”
 Philip Pullman
At the heart of our faith and spiritual lives is story. Holy Scripture is a collection of stories of encounter and interaction between God and Creation, the greatest of which—according to Christians—is the story of the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus: God with us. These stories challenge and inspire us, and also teach us to look for how, when, and where God is at work in the world. The continuing story of God in Christ is told not only to us, but through us. Every person has a role in the Greatest Story Ever Told, and therefore every single person has an important story to tell.
“Music holds the secret; to know it can make you whole. It's not just a game of notes, it's the sounds inside your soul.”
 Triumph, Hold On
The Story & Song Retreat of Discovery invites you to take time away to consider where God’s story and your story intersect. Some may have a clear idea about this before you even arrive, and others may have no idea at all. Not to worry. A team of  storytellers will be on hand to share their wisdom and experience with participants, offering insights into the elements of story, encouraging you in crafting your own story, and making time for storytelling in small groups (and, if you wish, the large group). Along the way, we will share in the deep spirituality of story in song and, hopefully, develop a deeper sense of connection among friends as we receive one another’s stories.
You get to take a break, too. Dinner Friday, and breakfast, lunch, and dinner Saturday are provided. And since the Story & Song Retreat of Discovery is underwritten by the Story & Song sabbatical grant, this event is offered without charge.
Registration may be done online or with a registration form that is available on the information table at the back of the church. The registration deadline is Tuesday, March 11. 

Register Here

Story & Song Retreat Schedule

Friday, March 21
beginning at 5 pm

Arrival & Supper


Team Member Faith Story

What Makes a Story?

Story in Song

Breakout Groups: So, What Brings You Here?
Considering where and when you said “yes” to Jesus and/or the Church


Breakout Groups: Story Sculpting

ending by 9 pm

Saturday, March 22
beginning at 8 am

Morning Prayer

Team Member Faith Story Fishbowl

One-on-One Faith Story Sharing Practice

Story in Song

Breakout Groups: Story Sculpting


Telling Your Story

Story in Song

Free Time for Refining and Practicing Your Story

Celebration Supper

Presentation of Stories by 4 to 6 Participant Volunteers

Thank You, Next Steps, Go Forth
ending by 7 pm

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Joe Anand-Obleton