eConnections - December 13, 2024
The Weekend of the Third Sunday of Advent
December 15, 2024
The Dean's List
I spent a wee bit too much time today trying to write something profound for The Dean's List. I should know better. Every time I do that profound somehow devolves into something more akin to cliche or pompous. The reality is that I am - once again - living into the incongruity between liturgical Advent versus cultural Christmas. The Advent themes we hear in Sunday worship ask us to pause to consider things like mortality, repentance, and judgement in light of the coming presence of God, which is somewhat different than holly, jolly, buy your beloved the perfect gift in light of the coming Santa. I, like you, live in both of those worlds, which tends to make the Advent season more frenetic that contemplative. There is just so much that needs to get done! The challenge is not to allow the expectations of cultural Christmas to overwhelm the spiritual gift of Advent that asks us to examine the gap between who we are and who God calls us to be as we prepare for the coming Christ. That's all I really wanted to say.
Cinder Block, Cinder Block, Cinder Block Rock.
Workers completed construction on the cinder block walls for our new addition this past Wednesday - the day before the big arctic blast. This is significant because the mortar used for these walls is temperature sensitive and will not set properly when the mercury dips below freezing. Completion of the cinder block walls means that the rest of the project can now proceed as scheduled. You can also now see the full dimensions of the addition, which seems larger than expected.
Speaking of firm foundations upon which to build something new...
Dr. Bunmi Okanlami & Dr. Tayo Banjo were joined in Holy Matrimony in a splendid ceremony at the Cathedral yesterday evening. Please join Bunmi & Tayo at a reception this coming Sunday in Cathedral Hall following the 10:30 am service.
JT Turns 75!
John Tyler, who is a long-time member of the Cathedral community and a regular at our Friday noon Eucharist, will celebrate his 75th birthday on Friday, December 27. JT is mostly alone in this world, so let's make a fuss, shall we? The plan is to pray for JT at the noon Eucharist that day, then take him out to lunch (our current lunch spot is Grill 362 at the South Bend Firefighters Association, 4025 Lincoln Way W, South Bend). Small gifts are welcome (he objected, but when I told him it would be things like Ben-Gay or Tylenol, he relented) (with a big smile on his face). Let's have a party!
The Very Rev. Brian G. Grantz on the climb to the highest point on the Camino Frances just east of Ponferrada, Spain.
Sunday, December 15
The Third Sunday in Advent
8:00 am Holy Eucharist: Rite One
9:15 am Adult Forum & Sunday School
10:30 am Holy Eucharist: Rite One
11:45 am Reception in Cathedral Hall
12:00 pm Youth Group
Monday, December 16
Cathedral Office: Closed
6:30 pm Education for Ministry
Tuesday, December 17
Cathedral Office: 9:30 am - 2:00 pm
No Events Scheduled
Wednesday, December 18
Cathedral Office: 9:30 am - 2:00 pm
2:00 pm Diocesan Clergy & Lay Leader Check-In
7:00 pm Choir Rehearsal
Thursday, December 19
Cathedral Office: 9:30 am - 2:00 pm
No Events Scheduled
Friday, December 20
Cathedral Office: 9:30 am - 2:00 pm
12:05 pm Holy Eucharist
1:00 pm Community Lunch at Grill 362
Saturday, December 21
The Feast of Saint Thomas the Apostle
9:00 am Ordination Rehearsal
10:00 am The Ordination of Nolan Ryan McBride &
Jordan Andrew Trendelman
to the Sacred Order of Deacons
11:30 am Reception
Sunday, December 22
The Fourth Sunday of Advent
8:00 am Holy Eucharist: Rite One
10:30 am Holy Eucharist: Rite One
11:45 am Hospitality
12:00 pm Greening of the Church
1:00 pm Cookies & Carols
Looking Ahead
Saturday, January 18 at 10:00 am; Reception Following
The Bishop's Visitation
Sunday, January 12, 2025
8:00 am Holy Eucharist with Renewal of Baptismal Vows
9:15 am Adult Forum with Bishop Sparks
10:30 am Holy Baptism, Reaffirmation of Baptismal Vows, and Holy Eucharist
Annual Parish Meeting
Sunday, January 19, 2025
12:00 pm Luncheon followed by Business Meeting & Presentations from the Gather & Grow subcommittees on considering Worship Space, Cathedral Hall, and Landscaping.
The First Annual Chili Cup Quiz Bowl Challenge*
Saturday, February 8, 2025
*We're still working on this. Details coming soon.
Collect for the Third Sunday of Advent
Stir up your power, O Lord, and with great might come among us; and, because we are sorely hindered by our sins, let your bountiful grace and mercy speedily help and deliver us; through Jesus Christ our Lord, to whom, with you and the Holy Spirit, be honor and glory, now and for ever. Amen.
Cathedral Prayer List
For the repose of the soul of Beverly Janssen, aunt of Steven Mast, and for her family.
In thanksgiving for the marriage of Bunmi Okanlami & Tayo Banjo.
For Nolan McBride and Jordan Trendelman, who will be ordained to the Sacred Order of Deacons at the Cathedral on December 21.
For the repose of the soul of Gregory Marcks and for Michael Marcks and his entire family.
For the Proffitt Family and for the Hillman Family
Ann and Bill Young
Steven Mast
Mary Brooks
For Steve Wietstock
Jamie, Mimi, Joely, Mia, and the entire Jeter Family
Bill Jones and his family
For Michael Anand-Obleton
Randy Coleman
Sharon Toth, and for the entire extended Sobecki Family
Kathleen Murphy, mother of Jen Mosley; and for Richard Murphy Jr., Richard Murphy III, and for Jill Bird
For Tim Lane (son-in-law of Karen Slack) who is recovering from surgery
Mary M. Burman
Carolynn Raney
For Carl and Melinda Stopczynski; and for Alison Abbot -- cousins/extended family of Mike & Lisa Jaworski
For Betty Walker, Mike Mosely’s Aunt
For Joan Machatton
Jennifer & Mike Mosley
Jim Arns
For Cindy Ahlgrim
For Bob Kenney
For Joni Carlson, who continues treatment of an ongoing issue
For Mike Jaworski and for Lisa.
For Don Zigler
For Michael, son of Diane Hoist, and his family.
For Joseph Hilliard
For Mary Beth Wright
For Tim Haywood, and Janice
Fred & Kate Mast
Wade & Sue Sheets
Paula Fowler
Canon Tina Velthuizen's grand-nephew, Jordan, who is struggling
Connor Gibbons
Olivia, who has leukemia, and her family
Sheila & family
John Monroe, brother of Sue Fain
Tammy, daughter of Tony Molnar
Alan Thompson
Peju, Bunmi, and the Okanlami family
Tony Molnar
Dan & Gail Mandell
Ron Gunn
Alissa Broussara
Cherryl Andries
Becky Ballentine
Marge Johnson
Jo Dorsch
Sharron McGowan
Joyce Marchant
Fr. Paul Tracy
Richard Bitner
Al Caparell; Tony Lemna; Mike; Denise & Demetrius
For those preparing for Holy Baptism: Finnegan Patty Hillak (Jan 12, 2025)
For those preparing for Holy Orders: Nan Noecker, diaconate
How may we pray for you? To add (or remove) a petition from the Cathedral Prayer List, please send an email to Deacon Clay Berkley. If you are requesting prayer for someone else, please make sure you have their permission to add their name and any details to the prayer list.
Sunday Ministries
December 15, 2024
8:00 am
Lector Kate Lee
Eucharistic Minister Volunteer Needed
9:15 am
Growing in Our Worship Jodi Kallenberg
Story Makers Katie Gotfried
Adult Forum Frank Gray
10:30 am
Lectors Michael Anand-Obleton & Celeste Hilliard
Acolytes Ainsley Gray, Zeke Kallenberg, Matthew Worns
Eucharistic Ministers Andy Helfrich & Cherry Radin
Ushers Kay & Reg Klopfenstein
Hospitality Host Bunmi Okanlami & Tayo Banjo
December 17
Counters Mary Lehman & Peg Swadener
December 20
Folder Shela Raman-McCabe
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